1. When dining at a restaurant, we need to be considerate of other customers and keep our conversations at an appropriate noise level.
評析: “need to be considerate of other customers” 是來自「需要考慮到其他顧客」的中式英文。英文裏不太會說「需要考慮其他人」,只要說「勿干擾別人」就好了。 “keep our conversations at an appropriate noise level” 來自「將我們的對話保持在一個適當的噪音水準」。中文就夠累贅了,英文亦然。說自己講話是noise的人應該不多吧?所以noise這個字是誤用。修正後成為
“When dining at a restaurant, we should keep our voice down so that we won’t bother other customers.”
2. John shows indifference towards his classmates. He doesn’t take part in any of the class activities and doesn’t even bother talking to other students in his class.
評析:“doesn’t even bother” 這種說法強烈表達「不屑」的態度而非「冷漠」。修改後成為
“John neither talks to his classmates nor takes part in any class activities, which shows his indifference towards school.”