P. 24

作為一個社會心靈的思考者, 他必須保有長期的孤獨.

As a thinker of the mind of the society, he had to stay solitary for long periods of time.

儒家文化不再只是一種哲學思想, 因為政治力的滲入成為 "儒教", 而成為維持群體架構的重要規範.

Due to the intervention of politics, Confucianism has become not just a philosophy but a religion. It has become the golden rules for maintaining the framework of such "collectiveness."


P. 25

在莊子的哲學哩, 明言 "獨與天地精神往來,"...這個了不起的聲音始終無法成為正統, 只成為文人在辭官, 失意, 遭遇政治挫折而走向山水時, 某一種心靈上的瀟灑而已.

The Zhuznagzi philosophy declares "Communication with only Heaven and Earth"...This great voice has never become the paradigm. It only became the description of a state of being footloose and fancy-free when an intellectual had to resort to natural scenery for comfort when suffering setbacks in politics.


p. 30

要求群體規則的社會, 第一個害怕的歧異就是頭髮.

The most feared difference in a society ruled by the mass is the hair.


p. 31

在群體文化中, 婚禮喪禮都是表演, 與真實的感情無關.

In a culture of the mass, weddings as well as funerals are shows that have nothing to do with real feelings.


p. 36


The Confucianistic culture of the mass avoids the topic of death just as it does solitariness.


p. 37

一個文化如果迴避了死亡, 其實是蠻軟弱了.

A culture that evades the topic of death is rather feeble.


p. 38

一個思想獨大之後, 缺乏牽制和平衡, 就會發生許多問題.

When a philosophy achieves monopoly, the lack of check and balance will create many problems.


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