P. 13

快速而進步的通訊科技, 仍無法照顧到我們內心裡那個巨大而荒涼的孤獨感.

The advanced telecommunications technology that makes contacting each other so fast and easy can't deal with the immense feeling of desolation and solitariness deep in our hearts. 

人們已經沒有機會面對自己, 只是一再地被刺激, 要把心裡的話丟出去, 卻無法和自己對談.

People don't have the opportunities to face themselves. They're simply being urged to speak out, but they are unable to talk to themselves.


p. 14

無法和自己相處的人, 也很難和別人相處.

Those who cannot get along with themselves cannot get along with others either.

對許多人而言, 第一個戀愛的對象就是自己.

To many, the first person they fall in love with is themselves.


p. 16


The issue of solitariness is the least likely to be talked about in the Confucian culture.

所謂五倫, 所謂君君, 臣臣, 父父, 子子的關係...我們稱之為相對倫理...感到孤獨的人, 在儒家文化中, 表示他是不完整的.

The so-called "five principles," the so-called "kings act like kings; court officials act like court officials; fathers act like fathers; sons act like sons," are what we call "the principles of relationships." A solitary person is considered incomplete in the Confucian culture.


p. 17

我感到最孤獨的時刻, 就是和父母對話時, 因為他們沒有聽懂我在說什麼.

The moment I feel most solitary is when I talk to my parents because they don't understand what I'm talking about.

    創作者 梁民康(莫平) 的頭像


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